
Having a list of all x-ray transitions of the elements is quite useful, in particular when analysing x-ray fluorescence spectra.

This work was based on data from the PANalytical Epsilon 5 software, version 2.0J/ICSW 2.8 of Dec 7, 2010 with kernel PW5050. In this software, data on every transition’s energy and relative intensity was stored in a user-accessible format, as well as the edge energies for each element.

The Epsilon 5 data was used to amend my original dataset, which I got from Kaye & Laby, Tables of Physical & Chemical Constants, National Physical Laboratory. Where the two datasets diverged (usually at the third decimal) I gave priority to the Epsilon 5 data.

I have improved on this dataset, and included natural line width and fluorescence yield data from the works of Krause and Oliver (1979) and Krause (1979).

I collated this data into two datasets (Ahmed 2014b, 2014a) which we will explore below.

Notation: IUPAC more stringent than Siegbahn

At this stage in the work, it gradually became untenable to keep using the Siegbahn notation for x-ray transitions, since it is both incomplete (not all transitions have labels) and slightly arbitrary (different authors use the same label for different transitions). So I decided to switch to the IUPAC notation, which offers a complete, coherent system. This required me to translate all the existing Siegbahn labels in my dataset into IUPAC ones. To do that, I needed a “translator”. Luckily I found a good start in table 10.11 of Lengyel, Ure, and Inczédy (1998), and from there it was not too hard to work out the corresponding IUPAC names of the remaining transitions in my dataset.

Table 1: IUPAC notation and corresponding Siegbahn notation
IUPAC           Siegbahn                 IUPAC           Siegbahn                 IUPAC           Siegbahn
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_{2,3}\) \(\mathrm{K}\alpha_{1,2}\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{M}_{2,3}\) \(\mathrm{K}\beta_{3,4}\) \(\mathrm{M}_{4,5}\mathrm{N}_{2,3}\) \(\mathrm{M}\zeta_{1,2}\)
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_1\) \(\mathrm{K}\alpha_3\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{M}_2\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_4\) \(\mathrm{M}_1\mathrm{N}_3\) NA
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_2\) \(\mathrm{K}\alpha_2\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{M}_3\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_3\) \(\mathrm{M}_2\mathrm{N}_4\) NA
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\) \(\mathrm{K}\alpha_1\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{M}_4\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_{10}\) \(\mathrm{M}_3\mathrm{N}_1\) NA
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{M}_{2,3}\) \(\mathrm{K}\beta_{1,3}\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{M}_5\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_9\) \(\mathrm{M}_3\mathrm{N}_4\) \(\mathrm{M}\gamma_2\)
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{M}_{4,5}\) \(\mathrm{K}\beta_5\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{N}_2\) \(\mathrm{L}\gamma_2\) \(\mathrm{M}_3\mathrm{N}_5\) \(\mathrm{M}\gamma_1\)
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{M}_2\) \(\mathrm{K}\beta_3\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{N}_3\) \(\mathrm{L}\gamma_3\) \(\mathrm{M}_3\mathrm{O}_1\) NA
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{M}_3\) \(\mathrm{K}\beta_1\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{N}_4\) NA \(\mathrm{M}_3\mathrm{O}_4\) NA
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{N}_{2,3}\) \(\mathrm{K}\beta_2\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{N}_5\) \(\mathrm{L}\gamma_{11}\) \(\mathrm{M}_3\mathrm{O}_5\) NA
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{N}_{4,5}\) \(\mathrm{K}\beta_4\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{O}_2\) \(\mathrm{L}\gamma^\prime_4\) \(\mathrm{M}_4\mathrm{N}_{2,3}\) \(\mathrm{M}\zeta_1\)
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{O}_{2}\) \(\mathrm{K}\delta_2\) \(\mathrm{L}_1\mathrm{O}_3\) \(\mathrm{L}\gamma_4\) \(\mathrm{M}_4\mathrm{N}_3\) NA
\(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{O}_{3}\) \(\mathrm{K}\delta_1\) \(\mathrm{L}_2\mathrm{M}_1\) \(\mathrm{L}\eta\) \(\mathrm{M}_4\mathrm{N}_6\) \(\mathrm{M}\beta_1\)
\(\mathrm{L}_2\mathrm{M}_3\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_{17}\) \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\) \(\mathrm{M}\alpha_{1,2}\)
\(\mathrm{L}_2\mathrm{M}_4\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_1\) \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_3\) \(\mathrm{M}\zeta_2\)
\(\mathrm{L}_2\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\) \(\mathrm{L}\nu\) \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_6\) \(\mathrm{M}\alpha_2\)
\(\mathrm{L}_2\mathrm{N}_1\) \(\mathrm{L}\gamma_5\) \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\) \(\mathrm{M}\alpha_1\)
\(\mathrm{L}_2\mathrm{N}_4\) \(\mathrm{L}\gamma_1\)
\(\mathrm{L}_2\mathrm{O}_1\) \(\mathrm{L}\gamma_8\)
\(\mathrm{L}_2\mathrm{O}_4\) \(\mathrm{L}\gamma_6\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_{4,5}\) \(\mathrm{L}\alpha_{1,2}\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_1\) \(\mathrm{L}\ell\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_2\) \(\mathrm{L}t\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_3\) \(\mathrm{L}s\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_4\) \(\mathrm{L}\alpha_2\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\) \(\mathrm{L}\alpha_1\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta^\prime_{6,7}\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\) \(\mathrm{L}u\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{N}_1\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_6\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{N}_4\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_{15}\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{N}_5\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_2\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{O}_{4,5}\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_5\)
\(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{O}_1\) \(\mathrm{L}\beta_7\)

Line energies

Transition energy vs Z.

Figure 1: Transition energy vs Z.

Distribution of the transition series.

Figure 2: Distribution of the transition series.

Natural width of the $\mathrm{K}\alpha_1$ and $\mathrm{K}\alpha_2$ lines.

Figure 3: Natural width of the \(\mathrm{K}\alpha_1\) and \(\mathrm{K}\alpha_2\) lines.

Fluorescence yields of the $\mathrm{K}$, $\mathrm{L}_1$, $\mathrm{L}_2$, and $\mathrm{L}_3$ lines.

Figure 4: Fluorescence yields of the \(\mathrm{K}\), \(\mathrm{L}_1\), \(\mathrm{L}_2\), and \(\mathrm{L}_3\) lines.

$\mathrm{K}\beta$ and $\mathrm{K}\alpha$ relative intensities (in percent). This looks extra messy because most elements have more than one $\mathrm{K}\beta$ or (in particular) more than one $\mathrm{K}\alpha$ transition.

Figure 5: \(\mathrm{K}\beta\) and \(\mathrm{K}\alpha\) relative intensities (in percent). This looks extra messy because most elements have more than one \(\mathrm{K}\beta\) or (in particular) more than one \(\mathrm{K}\alpha\) transition.

Variations of $\mathrm{K}\beta/\mathrm{K}\alpha$ with atomic number.

Figure 6: Variations of \(\mathrm{K}\beta/\mathrm{K}\alpha\) with atomic number.

The energy of the strongest \(\mathrm{K}\), \(\mathrm{L}\), and \(\mathrm{M}\) lines

Table 2: The energy of the strongest \(\mathrm{K}\), \(\mathrm{L}\), and \(\mathrm{M}\) lines of the elements.
Element             Z                 K/keV               L/keV               M/keV
Be 4 0.109
B 5 0.183
C 6 0.277
N 7 0.393
O 8 0.525
F 9 0.677
Ne 10 0.848
Na 11 1.040
Mg 12 1.254
Al 13 1.487
Si 14 1.740
P 15 2.011
S 16 2.310
Cl 17 2.622
Ar 18 2.958
K 19 3.314
Ca 20 3.692
Sc 21 4.093 0.395
Ti 22 4.512 0.452
V 23 4.953 0.51
Cr 24 5.415 0.572
Mn 25 5.900 0.637
Fe 26 6.405 0.705
Co 27 6.931 0.775
Ni 28 7.480 0.849
Cu 29 8.046 0.928
Zn 30 8.637 1.012
Ga 31 9.251 1.098
Ge 32 9.886 1.188
As 33 10.543 1.282
Se 34 11.224 1.379
Br 35 11.924 1.481
Kr 36 12.648 1.585
Rb 37 13.396 1.692
Sr 38 14.165 1.806
Y 39 14.958 1.924
Zr 40 15.775 2.044
Nb 41 16.615 2.169
Mo 42 17.480 2.292
Tc 43 18.367 2.423
Ru 44 19.279 2.558
Rh 45 20.216 2.697
Pd 46 21.177 2.838
Ag 47 22.163 2.983
Cd 48 23.173 3.133
In 49 24.210 3.286
Sn 50 25.271 3.444
Sb 51 26.359 3.604
Te 52 27.473 3.678
I 53 28.612 3.938
Xe 54 29.775 4.11
Cs 55 30.973 4.285
Ba 56 32.194 4.467
La 57 33.442 4.647 0.833
Ce 58 34.720 4.839 0.882
Pr 59 36.027 5.035 0.929
Nd 60 37.361 5.228 0.978
Pm 61 38.725 4.532 1.023
Sm 62 40.118 5.633 1.085
Eu 63 41.542 5.85 1.132
Gd 64 42.996 6.053 1.19
Tb 65 44.482 6.273 1.248
Dy 66 45.999 6.498 1.299
Ho 67 47.547 6.72 1.353
Er 68 49.128 6.949 1.409
Tm 69 50.742 7.18 1.466
Yb 70 52.388 7.416 1.523
Lu 71 54.070 7.655 1.581
Hf 72 55.790 7.899 1.645
Ta 73 57.535 8.146 1.71
W 74 59.318 8.398 1.776
Re 75 61.141 8.652 1.843
Os 76 63.000 8.911 1.91
Ir 77 64.896 9.175 1.98
Pt 78 66.831 9.442 2.073
Au 79 68.806 9.713 2.123
Hg 80 70.818 9.989 2.195
Tl 81 72.872 10.269 2.271
Pb 82 74.970 10.551 2.346
Bi 83 77.107 10.839 2.423
Po 84 79.291 11.131 2.502
At 85 81.516 11.427 2.582
Rn 86 83.785 11.727 2.654
Fr 87 86.106 12.031 2.732
Ra 88 88.478 12.339 2.806
Ac 89 90.884 12.652 2.9
Th 90 93.351 12.968 2.996
Pa 91 95.868 13.291 3.083
U 92 98.440 13.614 3.171
Np 93 101.059 13.946 3.25
Pu 94 103.734 14.282 3.339
Am 95 105.970 14.616 3.429
Cm 96 108.759 14.954 3.525
Bk 97 111.698 15.307 3.616
Cf 98 114.801 15.655 3.709
Es 99 119.080 16.036
Fm 100 122.190 16.402
Md 101 125.390 16.768
No 102 128.660 17.139
Lr 103 132.020 17.5
Table 3: The strongest \(\mathrm{K}\), \(\mathrm{L}\), and \(\mathrm{M}\) lines of the elements sorted by increasing transition energy.
Energy/keV             Elemental transition
0.109 4 Be \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_{2,3}\)
0.183 5 B \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_{2,3}\)
0.277 6 C \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_{2,3}\)
0.393 7 N \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_{2,3}\)
0.395 21 Sc \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_{4,5}\)
0.452 22 Ti \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_{4,5}\)
0.510 23 V \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
0.525 8 O \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_{2,3}\)
0.572 24 Cr \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
0.637 25 Mn \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
0.677 9 F \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_{2,3}\)
0.705 26 Fe \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
0.775 27 Co \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
0.833 57 La \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
0.848 10 Ne \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_{2,3}\)
0.849 28 Ni \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
0.882 58 Ce \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
0.928 29 Cu \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
0.929 59 Pr \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
0.978 60 Nd \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.012 30 Zn \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
1.023 61 Pm \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.040 11 Na \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
1.085 62 Sm \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.098 31 Ga \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
1.132 63 Eu \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.188 32 Ge \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
1.190 64 Gd \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.248 65 Tb \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.254 12 Mg \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
1.282 33 As \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
1.299 66 Dy \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.353 67 Ho \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.379 34 Se \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
1.409 68 Er \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.466 69 Tm \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.481 35 Br \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
1.487 13 Al \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
1.523 70 Yb \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
1.581 71 Lu \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.585 36 Kr \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
1.645 72 Hf \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
1.692 37 Rb \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
1.710 73 Ta \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
1.740 14 Si \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
1.776 74 W \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
1.806 38 Sr \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
1.843 75 Re \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.910 76 Os \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_{6,7}\)
1.924 39 Y \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
1.980 77 Ir \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.011 15 P \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
2.044 40 Zr \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
2.073 78 Pt \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.123 79 Au \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.169 41 Nb \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
2.195 80 Hg \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.271 81 Tl \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.292 42 Mo \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
2.310 16 S \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
2.346 82 Pb \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.423 43 Tc \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
2.423 83 Bi \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.502 84 Po \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.558 44 Ru \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
2.582 85 At \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.622 17 Cl \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
2.654 86 Rn \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.697 45 Rh \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
2.732 87 Fr \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.806 88 Ra \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.838 46 Pd \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
2.900 89 Ac \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
2.958 18 Ar \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
2.983 47 Ag \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
2.996 90 Th \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
3.083 91 Pa \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
3.133 48 Cd \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
3.171 92 U \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
3.250 93 Np \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
3.286 49 In \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
3.314 19 K \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
3.339 94 Pu \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
3.429 95 Am \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
3.444 50 Sn \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
3.525 96 Cm \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
3.604 51 Sb \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
3.616 97 Bk \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
3.678 52 Te \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
3.692 20 Ca \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
3.709 98 Cf \(\mathrm{M}_5\mathrm{N}_7\)
3.938 53 I \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
4.093 21 Sc \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
4.110 54 Xe \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
4.285 55 Cs \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
4.467 56 Ba \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
4.512 22 Ti \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
4.532 61 Pm \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
4.647 57 La \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
4.839 58 Ce \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
4.953 23 V \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
5.035 59 Pr \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
5.228 60 Nd \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
5.415 24 Cr \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
5.633 62 Sm \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
5.850 63 Eu \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
5.900 25 Mn \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
6.053 64 Gd \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
6.273 65 Tb \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
6.405 26 Fe \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
6.498 66 Dy \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
6.720 67 Ho \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
6.931 27 Co \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
6.949 68 Er \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
7.180 69 Tm \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
7.416 70 Yb \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
7.480 28 Ni \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
7.655 71 Lu \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
7.899 72 Hf \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
8.046 29 Cu \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
8.146 73 Ta \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
8.398 74 W \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
8.637 30 Zn \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
8.652 75 Re \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
8.911 76 Os \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
9.175 77 Ir \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
9.251 31 Ga \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
9.442 78 Pt \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
9.713 79 Au \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
9.886 32 Ge \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
9.989 80 Hg \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
10.269 81 Tl \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
10.543 33 As \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
10.551 82 Pb \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
10.839 83 Bi \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
11.131 84 Po \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
11.224 34 Se \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
11.427 85 At \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
11.727 86 Rn \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
11.924 35 Br \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
12.031 87 Fr \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
12.339 88 Ra \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
12.648 36 Kr \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
12.652 89 Ac \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
12.968 90 Th \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
13.291 91 Pa \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
13.396 37 Rb \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
13.614 92 U \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
13.946 93 Np \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
14.165 38 Sr \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
14.282 94 Pu \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
14.616 95 Am \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
14.954 96 Cm \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
14.958 39 Y \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
15.307 97 Bk \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
15.655 98 Cf \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
15.775 40 Zr \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
16.036 99 Es \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
16.402 100 Fm \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
16.615 41 Nb \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
16.768 101 Md \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
17.139 102 No \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
17.480 42 Mo \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
17.500 103 Lr \(\mathrm{L}_3\mathrm{M}_5\)
18.367 43 Tc \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
19.279 44 Ru \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
20.216 45 Rh \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
21.177 46 Pd \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
22.163 47 Ag \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
23.173 48 Cd \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
24.210 49 In \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
25.271 50 Sn \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
26.359 51 Sb \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
27.473 52 Te \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
28.612 53 I \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
29.775 54 Xe \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
30.973 55 Cs \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
32.194 56 Ba \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
33.442 57 La \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
34.720 58 Ce \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
36.027 59 Pr \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
37.361 60 Nd \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
38.725 61 Pm \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
40.118 62 Sm \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
41.542 63 Eu \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
42.996 64 Gd \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
44.482 65 Tb \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
45.999 66 Dy \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
47.547 67 Ho \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
49.128 68 Er \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
50.742 69 Tm \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
52.388 70 Yb \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
54.070 71 Lu \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
55.790 72 Hf \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
57.535 73 Ta \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
59.318 74 W \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
61.141 75 Re \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
63.000 76 Os \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
64.896 77 Ir \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
66.831 78 Pt \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
68.806 79 Au \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
70.818 80 Hg \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
72.872 81 Tl \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
74.970 82 Pb \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
77.107 83 Bi \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
79.291 84 Po \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
81.516 85 At \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
83.785 86 Rn \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
86.106 87 Fr \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
88.478 88 Ra \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
90.884 89 Ac \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
93.351 90 Th \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
95.868 91 Pa \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
98.440 92 U \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
101.059 93 Np \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
103.734 94 Pu \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
105.970 95 Am \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
108.759 96 Cm \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
111.698 97 Bk \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
114.801 98 Cf \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
119.080 99 Es \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
122.190 100 Fm \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
125.390 101 Md \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
128.660 102 No \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)
132.020 103 Lr \(\mathrm{K}\mathrm{L}_3\)

Session info

## R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
## Matrix products: default
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Ahmed, Taha. 2014a. Characteristic X-ray lines of the elements.”
———. 2014b. IUPAC vs Siegbahn notation of x-ray transitions.”
Krause, M. O. 1979. “Atomic Radiative and Radiationless Yields for K and L Shells.” Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 8 (2): 307–27.
Krause, M. O., and J. H. Oliver. 1979. “Natural Widths of Atomic K and L Levels, K\(\alpha\) X-ray Lines and Several KLL Auger Lines.” Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 8 (2): 329.
Lengyel, Tamás, Allan M. Ure, and János Inczédy. 1998. Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature: Definitive Rules 1997. Edited by Tamás Lengyel, Allan M. Ure, and János Inczédy. 3rd ed. Blackwell Science.